Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Breaking Records on The Scale of "Busy"

Aly with Sunflower the Clown
Things are not letting up around our house, on the “busy scale”, that’s for certain! Reunion Sunday at Southside was this past Sunday and we had a fantastic day! Incredible crowds, delicious meal, fun activities, etc. You’ll be able to see the details at next week! A very special thank you to each and every person who helped! The kids are not likely to forget such a fun day!

Aly on a beautiful Fall day

“When bone tired & weary...we often underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring and all of these have the potential to turn a life around. SO! WAKE UP...if only long enough to help turn someone else's life around and see for yourself what it will do for you, in return!!!” (unknown)
We have seen many scary things in the news lately… this week, was possibly the most scary of all (IF true…)! Judge Andrew Napolitano comments on the completely unconstitutional bill in Massachusetts that will allow the governor to declare an emergency and "allow" police to force their way into your homes to vaccinate YOU and YOUR FAMILY.

Our "School Girl" 9/25/09
Tomorrow, will again be another busy day, in addition to school, paperwork, etc., there will be laundry and packing to do. Because Friday afternoon, is SUPPOSED to find us Highway-bound for Missouri, the good Lord willing. This will also be a busy time of reuniting with family, dual birthday celebrations for the kids while there, and so much more. In addition to everything else mentioned, Revival begins at our home church, on Sunday. What do you say……… Is it time to double up 'on the brew' or what? Do you take cream and sugar???