Monday, April 28, 2008

WOW! What An Awesome God...

Just when we need it... the Lord comes in ways we think impossible!
What a revival we've just finished!!!!! The Coffee's did an incredible job and God was there in EVERY service!

Aly and I took a break on Saturday evening, being as Sundays are kind of tough on her... wouldn't you know that we missed probably the best service of them all??? "Papa" Coffee asked for praises and after a few had given their praises he began his sermon. Just then, Mary a dear teenage friend of ours, spoke out and the Lord fell on the place in a cloud of GLORY and took over the entire service! There was no preaching, the altars were filled and many found the peace they had been searching for! What an awesome God we have, He can work through a child, a teenager or anyone else willing to obey Him.
The entire week was just exactly what Greg and I needed, what our family members needed and what our church congregation needed!

I just wanted to take time out of 'cleaning' and 'decorating' to share with you, my fellow BLOGGER'S, what the Lord has done in our own lives this week. The best part is that He can and will do the same for ANYONE, if and when they listen to and are willing to be open to Him.
May God bless each of you this week and we'll BLOG again, soon...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

We're IN - Even if just barely!

YES!!!!! We're IN - even if just barely!
We'll be working on things like decorating, painting, etc. for a bit longer BUT, the main thing is that we're IN!!! (More pix to follow next month...)
We were moved enough this past Thursday evening to actually SLEEP in our new place! What fun to watch little Aly and how well she took to her new room... There's still quite a bit to do as far as organizing, painting, etc. goes. However, it's already looking very much like OUR HOME and we're absolutely loving it!!! God has been SO good to us... we'll be forever grateful!!!
To add to an already busy time... we're in Revival this week with Rev. ("Papa") Russ and ("Nana") Barb Coffee. We're not complaining though, because we're aware that we NEED a revival and renewal in our lives. These have been hectic weeks and this Revival has already proven to be exactly what we need right now. God is truly blessing in this Revival and we look forward to many more blessings before the week is over!
We'll be BLOGGING back to normal in May... trust all of our Blogger-Buddies are doing well! Thanks for your prayers and a special special THANK YOU to all of you who helped us move last week! We couldn't have done it without YOU!

Monday, April 14, 2008


We are in the depths of the "sea" of MOVING this week... boxes, packing, boxes, hauling and MORE boxes!!! We are to get the keys today! Thus, you'll probably not hear from us for another week to 3 weeks!!! Please help us pray that things will continue to go smoothly? After all, this is a very interesting situation and quite different than that of our past moves, this time with an infant in 'tow'!!! LOL
We'll post pix of the house after we get in and settled a bit! We're anxious to have an extra room or two and very happy to have a place to call "our own" (it'll be nice change for us)!

THIS IS IT... ("click" on the car for a few giggles!) and
Moving Week at The Penn Home...

we'll be in touch with ya'll again, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Alyson's 2nd Visit to the Photography Studio

Alyson is our DREAM come true...
the best of babies, she did an excellent job at her second visit to the Studio... Here are a few photos that we had taken of her last week!!!

A baby is cuddles
and tickles on toes,

the sweet scent of powder,
a kiss on the nose!

A baby is Teddy bears,
rattles, and pins,

meals at midnight
giggles and grins.

Alyson Dawn's Photography Studio Session #2

Here are a few quotes we found online and thought were pretty cute... (We will soon as possible, be adding pix to the Album so, be on the lookout for more!)
  • I love these little people. And it is not a slight thing when they, who so fresh from God, love us. (Charles Dickens)
  • It's the 'little blessings' that help us see just how lovely life can be. (Unknown)
  • Reach for the stars and don't worry about falling - Mommy and Daddy will catch you! (Unknown)
  • Roses 'round the door, babies on the floor, who could ask for more? (Unknown)
  • We are always surprised to see girl babies behaving like girls from the very beginning, and boy babies behaving like boys; we seem to imagine that we had to learn it! (Unknown)
  • You rose into our life like a promised sunrise, brightening our days with the light in your eyes. (Maya Angelou)
  • Babies are God's opinion that the world should go on. (Carl Sandburg)
  • Babies are such a nice way to 'start' people. (Don Herold)
  • A good example of minority rule is a baby in the household. (Unknown)
  • Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body. (Elizabeth Stone)
  • People who say they 'sleep like a baby' usually don't have one. (Leo J. Burke)
  • A baby is born with a need to be loved -- and never outgrows it. (Frank A. Clark)
  • A babe in the house is a well-spring of pleasure, a messenger of peace and love, a resting place for innocence on earth, a link between angels and men. (Martin Fraquhar Tupper)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Country Girl at Heart... You've Come a Long Way, Baby!

2 weeks old ~ November 2007

4 months old ~ March 2008

TODAY (while listening to COUNTRY music!)

We've decided to broaden Alyson's musical interests... we've gone from Lullaby's, Church Music, Toddler/Children's Music and Classical to COUNTRY!!! We were wondering what she would do with it and BOY! SHE LOVES IT!!! lol
What can I say??? I've always been a country southern girl at heart, so it only seems right that my little offspring would feel the same!!! After all, she has my southern blood running through her veins, right? It's what I've always wanted, a TRUE southern girl at heart for my very own! And of course, she'll soon be saying, "yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir and no sir", as well!!!
Oh well... We just thought ya'll might like to hear the latest in musical news as far as our Aly is concerned. We'll be trying 'other wholesome' types of music with her soon, but doubt very seriously that we'll have the same outcome as we have with COUNTRY! She's grinning and 'jigging' with it right now, as if she knows what "getting into it" is all about!!! lol

Obviously, this is our first BLOG of April and we're NOT looking forward to the April showers ahead, but we ARE looking forward to the May flowers that will soon appear!!!
Just a little FYI! We're also looking forward to getting into our house in ONLY about two weeks! We can hardly wait!!! Because of this move, our BLOGS may get off a bit, but we'll try to keep ya'll up-to-par as often as possible! Pray for us that the move will go smoothly - never tried this with an infant before!!! lol