YES!!!!! We're IN - even if just barely!
We'll be working on things like decorating, painting, etc. for a bit longer BUT, the main thing is that we're IN!!! (More pix to follow next month...)
We were moved enough this past Thursday evening to actually SLEEP in our new place! What fun to watch little Aly and how well she took to her new room... There's still quite a bit to do as far as organizing, painting, etc. goes. However, it's already looking very much like OUR HOME and we're absolutely loving it!!! God has been SO good to us... we'll be forever grateful!!!
To add to an already busy time... we're in Revival this week with Rev. ("Papa") Russ and ("Nana") Barb Coffee. We're not complaining though, because we're aware that we NEED a revival and renewal in our lives. These have been hectic weeks and this Revival has already proven to be exactly what we need right now. God is truly blessing in this Revival and we look forward to many more blessings before the week is over!
We'll be BLOGGING back to normal in May... trust all of our Blogger-Buddies are doing well! Thanks for your prayers and a special special THANK YOU to all of you who helped us move last week! We couldn't have done it without YOU!