Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Less Than 2 Days til Spring Break

A flashback of the past year in Aly's little life... unbelievable how the time has flown!
Easter Week 08
Spring Swingin 08
Mid-Summer 08
Early Fall Road Tripin 08
Christmas 08
Brushin n Rockin Late Winter 09
Early Spring 09
Well, we'll be on the road headed out for Spring Break in less than two days! There is MUCH that must be done before our trip, so we'll not take a lot of time to Blog for now.
However, we'll do our best to snap a few pix while we're gone and post them, along with a 'newsy' Blog by this time next week! Trust you'll all have a splendid SpRiNgY week and weekend ahead! God Bless...