Thursday, September 20, 2007

Where does the time go???

Well, needless to say, we are tryng to "beat" the system this week and actually get AHEAD of it for a change! It's the end of the week already... Thursday and we haven't had time to update, BLOG or anything else.
Between doctor visits, work and family affairs we haven't anything that would actually be considered NEW-news, though!
Everything is going great with myself and the baby, Greg is still enjoying his new job and we're both very anxious to get Alyson Dawn's nursery ready! In addition to getting all the 'packing' done for that exciting up-coming trip to the hospital!
Well try to do our best to 'catch up' with BLOGSPOT as we find the time...
BTW! Have you had a chance to click on our complete profile (to your right) or checked out our other 'former' sites, yet?

Take care and have a GREAT week, everyone!